Okrogla miza ob Svetovnem dnevu Begunca 2020 / Round table on the occasion of World Refugee Day 2020

Mednarodni dan Begunca, smo v Mariboru obeležili z okroglo mizo, ki sta jo soorganizirala ISCOMET inštitut in Mestne občina Maribor. Okrogla miza MIGRACIJSKI TOKOVI NA »BALKANSKI POTI« je bila 19. junij 2020 v prostorih Mestne občine Maribor.

Okrogla miza ima med drugimi, tudi naslednje cilje:

  • Obeležiti Svetovni dan beguncev, 20. junij.
  • Slovensko javnost objektivno informirati o stanju v zvezi s t.i. balkansko potjo, kar v glavnem zadeva tisoče migrantov in beguncev, ki so se iz različnih razlogov znašli v Bosni in Hercegovini in si prizadevajo, da se po nedovoljeni poti, prek Hrvaške in Slovenije, prej ali slej »prebijejo« do držav EU. Na način bi želeli prispevati tudi k odpravljanju strahov in predsodkov, ki so v slovenski družbi prisotni, predvsem zaradi zlorabe te teme v politične namene.
  • Spodbuditi oblikovanje stališč Slovenije do urejanju tega zelo pomembnega vprašanja v okviru nastajajočega pakta EU o vprašanjih migracij in beguncev.


The International Day of Refugees was marked in Maribor with a round table co-organized by the ISCOMET Institute and the City Municipality of Maribor. The round table MIGRATION FLOWS ON THE “BALKAN ROUTE” was held on 19 June 2020 in the premises of the City Municipality of Maribor.

The round table has the following objectives:

  • Celebrate the World Refugee Day, June 20th.
  • Objectively inform the Slovenian public about the situation regarding the so-called the Balkan route, which mainly concerns thousands of migrants and refugees who have found themselves in Bosnia and Herzegovina for various reasons and are trying to “break through” to EU countries sooner or later through the illegal route, through Croatia and Slovenia. In this way, we would also like to contribute to the elimination of fears and prejudices that are present in Slovenian society, mainly due to the abuse of this topic for political purposes.
  • Encourage the formation of Slovenia’s positions on the regulation of this very important issue within the framework of the emerging EU Pact on Migration and Refugee Issues.