Predstava Gejm je prejela veliko nagrado Borštnikovega festivala / The play Gejm (Game) received the grand prize of the Borštnik Festival

Veliko nagrado Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje za najboljšo predstavo prejme uprizoritev Gejm v režiji Žige Divjaka v koprodukciji Slovenskega mladinskega gledališča in Maske Ljubljana Uprizoritev Gejm od nas ne pričakuje niti empatije niti moralne opredelitve, ampak dosledno spoštovanje zakonov, ki določajo civilizacijske standarde. Vrhunski igralski ansambel skupaj z umetniškimi in tehničnimi sodelavci ustvari silovito gledališče, ki brani človečnost ter temeljna načela evropske civilizacije in kulture. Uprizoritev na vznemirljiv način priča o veliki tragediji migrantov, izročenih neusmiljenim postopkom državnih organov in evropskih državljanov. To je predstava, ki ne govori le o Sloveniji, temveč tudi o Evropi in svetu, ter alarmantno sporoča, da je rdeča linija prekoračena.

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The Grand Prize of the Borštnik Festival for the best performance goes to the play Gejm directed by Žiga Divjak, co-produced by the Slovenian Youth Theater and Maska Ljubljana. The play Gejm expects neither empathy nor moral definition, but strict observance of the laws that determine civilization standards. The top acting ensemble, together with artistic and technical collaborators, creates a powerful theater that defends humanity and the fundamental principles of European civilization and culture. The staging in an exciting way testifies to the great tragedy of migrants handed over to the ruthless actions of state authorities and European citizens. This is a show that speaks not only about Slovenia, but also about Europe and the world, and alarmingly announces that the red line has been crossed.

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