Labour market

This report realized by Eurocity is about what the work cities do to integrate refugees and asylum seekers in the labour market. The report is based on the findings of a survey of EUROCITIES members carried out in 2017. We collected information from 19 cities from 12 EU member states: Barcelona, Berlin, Bialystok, Dortmund, Enschede, Ghent, Gothenburg, Lisbon, Malmo, Milan, Munich, Nantes, Nuremberg, Ostend, Riga, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Tampere and Vienna. In this report, we present data on:
º governance and strategy,
º cooperation with social partners and other stakeholders, and
º local level labour migration policies.
In the last two chapters of this report, we present the main challenges cities face in integrating refugees and asylum seekers on the local labour market and illustrate some good practices from cities.

Here’s the PDF: Labour_market_integration_of_refugees_and_asylum_seekers